Chad and Leslie are proud to welcome little Olivia Grace into the world! (born July 20, 2009)

You can email us at or, or feel free to leave your comments after any of the posts--we'd love to hear from you!

If you haven't already, click on the link for "Olivia's Endowment at Texas Children's Hospital" on the left to learn about “The Olivia Grace Stevens Endowed Fund in Neonatology” we've started at Texas Children's Hospital to help other babies and families in need, and to find out how you can contribute if you're interested.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Do you believe in God?

That's a literal question, seriously. Do you believe in God? I do. I've been thinking about my relationship with God in earnest ever since Olivia was born. Recently, His presence in my life has been hard to miss.

If you haven't read the books "Case for the Creator" by Lee Stroebel or "Heaven is For Real" by Todd Burpo, I'd highly recommend them. For those looking to find God or strengthen their faith, these are must reads. Okay,... back to Olivia.

When Olivia was born, I was scared, and mad. Before we knew Olivia's diagnosis I was really really scared. I prayed like I never had before. I'd giving myself to God, but this was the first time I was totally helpless. You see, I'm a fixer and if I can't "fix" something that's a problem. It was humbling, and freeing, to know that Olivia's fate was in God's hands. What a growing experience for me. And you know what? God came through for us!

I can hear you thinking it what's this post all about? I get it, you love God, but what's the point? Well, that is the point, I love God! He's has blessed our family over and over. I'm tired of trying to placate other people's interest and hiding my faith. It's not something I'm ashamed of...just look around. Olivia is a miracle, it's that simple. How could she be anything else? I mean, if she has lost just a little bit more and I mean just a little bit more, things would be totally different. She's so awesome and we love her so much.

Look at all of the examples of this out there, it's awesome. How many near death experiences/miracles/etc. have you heard about???? This little girl sitting on my lap right now is the only evidence I need to know God is with me, but seriously, how many stories have you heard like that?

So, here's the end of this post. I'm going to put myself out there and welcome anyone's comments, good or bad. I welcome the input.

With Love,

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it takes a miracle, like a child, to see that God is an amazing entity. And sometimes it takes some time to see why something has happened the way it has. I can't speak for Jon, though I am fairly certain he'd agree with me that the day we saw Alexis and this baby on the ultrasound screen, our love for God and our awe for life as well as the belief in miracles and unconditional love was sealed. In our case, we were blessed to have allowed God back in to our lives without having to have gone through the suffering, worrying and anger you and Leslie had to endure not knowing how Olivia would be at birth. With that being said, I am a true believer that God only gives you as much as you can handle. He gave you Olivia for a reason. That little girl has forever changed your life. She has the best chance of thriving because of you and Leslie. Had he given her to someone else, that may not have been the case. That's the miracle- Olivia finding you and Leslie to make one beautiful family. Whatever you believe, know that miracles happen daily, we just may not recognize them as such. Our world has become so cynical and skeptical and politically correct, that we've lost sight of the daily miracle of the sun rising or my favorite, the first smile from my daughter in the morning. We hope to see you guys really soon so our daughters can play together!

    Much love,

    Kristin Wills
